5935 Hohman Ave., Hammond, IN. - Office: 219.932.5666

Educating the leaders of tomorrow.





5935 Hohman Avenue

Hammond, IN 46320

7:00 am - 4:00 pm

Monday to Friday


Early Childhood Parent Orientation

Parent Orientation Meetings are scheduled from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in your child’s classroom. At this time, the staff will present an overview of the program, review the daily schedule, and answer your questions.  This meeting for parents is extremely important and a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents in your child’s classroom. Mrs. Judy Mrs. Dru Mrs. Sarnecki 

Mrs. Hill’s early childhood orientation

Mrs. Hill’s early childhood orientation meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday, September 7 from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Please use the back (east) entrance.

Family Friendly MCS Fundraiser – 18th Street Brewery

18th Street Distillery 5417 Oakley Ave, Hammond, IN

Spend the 18th at the 18th! Please join us on September 18 for a MCS FUNdraiser generously sponsored by 18th Street Brewery.  This is a family friendly event hosted on their patio.  Mingle with other MCS families and support your school! Tiger Lily, a newly released double IPA beer, will be featured at the event in honor of the owners’ 

MCS Fun Fair

Hammond Civic Center 5825 Sohl Avenue, Hammond, IN, United States

Veterans Day ceremony

VFW Post 802 5820 Hohman Avenue, Hammond, IN

The elementary students will be participating in the Veterans Day ceremony at VFW Post 802, 5820 Hohman Avenue, across from Harrison Park on Friday, November 11 at 11:00 A.M.  We welcome you to join us at the ceremony.