5935 Hohman Ave., Hammond, IN. - Office: 219.932.5666

Educating the leaders of tomorrow.





5935 Hohman Avenue

Hammond, IN 46320

7:00 am - 4:00 pm

Monday to Friday

Author: Admin

Highland Street is closed between Hohman Avenue and Lyman Avenue. New Route: If you are traveling on Hohman Avenue, turn east on Webb Street (north end of Harrison Park), take Webb to Lyman, Lyman south to Waltham, and then west on Waltham to line up for arrival and dismissal. You will still be able to exit through the alley to 
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MCS will be adjusting our school calendar to extend winter break through January 7 due to the current Omicron variant surge in our area. Classes will resume on January 10.  This decision was based upon recommendations from medical professionals and information received from our county and state departments of health.   Let’s continue to work together to keep our MCS 
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The 4 – 8 grade students are sponsoring a food drive for the Vine Food Pantry at the First United Methodist Church in Hammond, which serves residents from Hammond, Highland, Munster, and Griffith. The Vine Food Pantry has requested donations of the following items: packaged sides, boxed stuffing mix, canned soups, canned yams, canned cranberries, and any type of cereal. 
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Click image to view .pdf Click here to go to online store. Orders must be placed and paid for directly at the website now through 11/21/21. Orders will arrive at school and will be sent home with students before the holiday break. Thank you for supporting MCS with your Spiritwear orders!
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MCS FAMILIES The 4th – 8th grade classrooms have been contacted by the Greater Hammond Community Services and have been asked to sponsor a food drive.  They are in urgent need of oatmeal, cereal, and breakfast bars.  We will be collecting those items from Friday, September 24 through Monday, October 4.  Thank you for supporting the 4th – 8th grade 
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Dear Parent, Our school is participating in our local Strack & Van Til’s Apples for the Students Program. The Apples for the Students Program enables our school to earn awards for  various school supplies and equipment. To earn these FREE awards we simply have to collect as many register receipts as possible form September 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022. 
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Road construction has commenced on Waltham Street (north side of our building). Please expect intermittent road closures over the next few school days into next week. We apologize for the inconvenience. MCS parents can park in either the North Township Trustee’s parking lot or the First Presbyterian Church’s parking lot and walk to the back door for arrival and dismissal. 
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PLEASE HELP The AMS surveys that you have received enable MCS to gather vital information and feedback from our stakeholders for our reaccreditation.  PLEASE complete the surveys. The OUTCOME SURVEY is due by Tuesday, June 1. Every group of stakeholders: parents, alumni, and staff, has a different perspective of MCS. Each perspective provides insight that will enable us to have 
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Join us on Wednesday, June 9, 2021 from 4-8 pm to eat at Chipotle. Use code QHQT3FF in the promo field when ordering online.
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Please help MCS by eating at Panera on May 12th.  See flyer for more details.
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